Unlocking the Potential: Discover the Power of Life Coaching for Kids

There is a gap in children’s education that requires attention. Children spend hours learning basics but often neglect mindset development, which is crucial for self-confidence, resilience, and happiness.

When faced with challenges or setbacks, children might have difficulty coping and perceive failure in one aspect as personal failure. Assisting children in coping with life challenges is increasingly important, especially considering the exacerbated impact of the pandemic on children’s mental health since March 2020.

In December 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General released a rare report warning that the challenges that today’s youth are facing are unprecedented, the impact on youth mental health is devastating, and “in many cases they are treatable and often preventable”.¹ 

This followed an equally rare statement by three U.S. paediatric organizations in October 2021, declaring a national emergency in child and adolescent mental health. They called for “new strategies to meet these challenges through innovation and action … to improve the access to and quality of care across the continuum of mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment”.² 

¹https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-youth-mental-health-advisory.pdf ²https://www.aap.org/en/advocacy/child-and-adolescent-healthy-mental-development/aap-aacap-cha-declaration-of-a-national-emergency-in-child-and adolescent-mental-health

Life coaching for children and youth plays a crucial role in mental health prevention, often overlooked by many.

Counsellors and therapists primarily help children with mental illness to improve their mental health on the mental illness side of the mental health continuum.

Life Coaches help children enhance mental wellness by teaching resilience, coping skills, self-esteem, confidence building, goal achievement, and discover their true potential.

“Mindset skills assist children in navigating
the challenges of growing up.” 

Coach Sharon | GenBrave

Children’s mental health was a serious issue before the pandemic. Did you know that?  

  • 30% of tweens (children between the ages 10 12) experienced headaches and difficulty sleeping because of stress.ᶟ 
  • 25% of children between ages 13 and 18 experienced anxiety disorders. ⁴ 
  • Depression was the predominant cause of illness and disability for children ages 10 to 19, worldwide 
  • Suicide was the third leading cause of adolescent deaths worldwide (behind traffic accidents, and HIV/AIDS).⁵ 
ᶟPsychology Today, “Is Your Child Stressed Out? Why You May Not Know.”: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/body-sense/201001/is-your-child-stressed-out why-you-may-not-know
⁴National Institute of Mental Health: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/statistics/1ANYANX_child.shtml 
⁵“WHO calls for stronger focus on adolescent health,” May 2014: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2014/focus-adolescent-health/en

When children and youth face high anxiety, depression rates, and suicide as a top cause of death globally for ages 10-18, there are evident issues that need attention. Millions of children worldwide face daily struggles with self-esteem regardless of nationality, ethnicity, culture, or religion. 

To support children in developing resilience, confidence, and self-leadership, reaching them at a young age is crucial. As a kids’ life coach, mindset training plays a vital role in assisting them to navigate challenges and flourish.

Life coaching for children and youth focuses on mindset development, explaining how thoughts impact happiness, confidence, and success for a fulfilling life. Nurturing future leaders – come and discover how Life Coaching helps:

  • Develop resilience skills to handle challenges.
  • Build self-esteem based on inner qualities.
  • Believe in themselves and boost self-confidence.
  • Cultivate core values and inner leadership.
  • Live intentionally, set goals, and achieve their potential.

“Similar to a tennis coach teaching tennis skills,
a life coach for kids helps develop life skills, confidence, and abilities.”

Coach Sharon | GenBrave